Delivery and dispatch information

Here you will find some useful information regarding delivery pricing, who we use to deliver, and how we dispatch. If you can't find the information you are looking for, please do reach out to us on our contact page here.

Delivery options

We have a range of delivery options depending on the size of your order. For smaller accessory orders, we have a standard or express shipping option. For larger orders we have tiered pricing, which is calculated at the checkout.

Standard Delivery - £4.00

Usually arrives within 2-4 working days once the order is dispatched from our warehouse. We use Royal Mail Tracked 48 for this service. This option can be selected for smaller accessory orders.

Express Delivery - £6.00

Usually arrives within 1-2 working days once the order is dispatched from our warehouse. We use Royal Mail Tracked 24 for this service. This option can be selected for smaller accessory orders.

UPS Standard - from £9.50

Usually arrives within 1-2 working days once the order has dispatched from our warehouse. This option applies to medium to large orders containing furniture, lighting or rugs.

Furdeco - from £33.50

Usually arrives within 3-5 working days once the order is dispatched from our warehouse. This option applies to oversized, bulky or fragile furniture or rug orders where extra care is needed.

Delivery and dispatch FAQ's

Here you will find frequently asked questions relating to deliveries and dispatches. Hopefully the below will answer any questions you may have, however we are also available to answer any questions via our contact page here.

Further information on our delivery partners

Royal Mail

Standard delivery orders sent on 'Tracked 48' are usually delivered between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). Royal Mail aim to deliver on this service within 2-4 working days, however this is not a guarantee. For some postcodes your order may take a little longer to reach you due to local issues beyond our control.

Express delivery orders sent on 'Tracked 24' are usually delivered between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). Royal Mail aim to deliver on this service within 1-2 working days, however this is not a guarantee. For some postcodes your order may take a little longer to reach you due to local issues beyond our control.

Royal Mail will require a signature upon delivery for all services. If an order is returned back to us due to an incomplete address, or the maximum amount of delivery attempts is reached, then we can resend the order provided a further delivery fee is paid (at the actual cost). If you do not accept paying a redelivery fee, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund on the order value, minus the original delivery cost paid.

More information can be found here


Medium to large orders sent on 'UPS Standard' are usually delivered between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays). UPS aim to deliver on this service within 1-2 working days depending on your region of the UK, however this is not a guarantee. For some postcodes your order may take a little longer to reach you due to local issues beyond our control.

UPS will require a signature on delivery for all services. If an order is returned back to us due to an incomplete address, or the maximum amount of delivery attempts is reached, then we can resend the order provided a further delivery fee is paid (at the actual cost). If you do not accept paying a redelivery fee, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund on the order value, minus the original delivery cost paid. When a refund of items within your order is not agreed (for example when those items are made-to-order), the items remain your property and responsibility. Any refused/unclaimed items that have been returned back to our warehouse may be destroyed after 1 year has passed from the original sale date.

More information can be found here


Oversized, bulky and fragile furniture orders sent on '2-Person Home Delivery' are usually delivered between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday (except bank holidays). Furdeco aim to deliver on this service within 3-5 working days, however this is not a guarantee. Some deliveries may take a little longer to reach you due to the availability of delivery drivers, accessibility of the delivery address and vehicular access, and the receivers availability to accept a delivery on a given date. Please note that for some areas of Scotland and Northern Ireland, a third party company may be used to complete the delivery which may take a few extra working days to deliver due to the handover.

Upholstered sofa and daybed orders are delivered to a room of choice at the delivery address. All other furniture orders are delivered to the front door/hallway at the delivery address. Please note that items will not be unpacked or assembled, and it is your responsibility to dispose of any packaging, and assemble the items.

Deliveries will need to be visually checked, and any damages reported to Furdeco upon signing.

Furdeco will text, or email to provide a delivery date and timeframe once the delivery of your order has been scheduled. If the provided delivery date and/or timeframe is not suitable, it is your responsibility to contact Furdeco to cancel and re-arrange this date.

If the delivery of your order fails on the given delivery date due to a person/s not being available at the delivery address to accept the delivery, then a further delivery charge will be payable (at the actual cost price) before delivery is rescheduled. If you do not accept paying a redelivery fee, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund on the order value, minus the original delivery cost paid. When a refund of items within your order is not agreed (for example when those items are made-to-order), the items remain your property and responsibility. Any refused/unclaimed items that have been returned back to our warehouse may be destroyed after 1 year has passed from the original sale date.

More information can be found here

Lost or stolen orders

We (kin.) cannot accept liability if you fail to receive your order due to the following circumstances:

A change of delivery instructions which you provide to the delivery company. For example, if you ask the delivery company to leave your order in a safe place (e.g. in a shed or garage, or with a neighbour). We send items with the intention of this being signed and received by the recipient.

The item is accepted by a reception or concierge service at your chosen delivery address, that is subsequently lost or stolen. This would need to be taken up with the reception or concierge service, or person/s signing for, or accepting the delivery on your behalf.

The original delivery address provided was incorrect, and your order was delivered to an incorrect address, and lost as a result. Please note that our website does not prepopulate addresses at the checkout. Any delivery address mistakes need to be raised to